4. Fitting curves with the linear model#
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4.1. Identifying a curved relationship 初步探究曲线关系#
## Load the s20x library into our R session
## Importing data into R
Stats20x.df <- read.table("../data/STATS20x.txt", header = T)
## Examine the data
plot(Exam ~ Assign, data = Stats20x.df)
Hmmm, not quite a straight line – could be some curvature. Maybe will paint a clearer picture. 不是一条很直的线--可能是一些曲率。也许会描绘出一幅更清晰的图景。
trendscatter(Exam ~ Assign, data = Stats20x.df)
Let’s fit a simple linear model to these data and see if it works out or not.
examassign.fit <- lm(Exam ~ Assign, data = Stats20x.df)
plot(examassign.fit, which = 1)
The assumption of identical distribution with expected value of 0 looks to be questionable here. There tend to be more negative residuals in the middle, but more positive residuals at the extremes of the fitted values. Potential solution – add a quadratic (squared term) for.
假设相同的分布与预期值 0 看起来可疑的。会有更多负面的残差在中间,但更积极的残差的极端值。潜在的解决方案应该是:添加一个二次项(平方项)。
4.2. Fitting a quadratic model 拟合二次模型#
The standard notation for a quadratic curve is:
Here we will use different notation: \(\beta_0 = c\), \(\beta_1 = b\) and \(\beta_2 = a\) and use the quadratic curve to describe the expected value of our dependent variable \(y\). That is, we will use the following notation:
If \(\beta_2 > 0\), then the quadratic has slope that increases with increasing x(斜率随着 x 增大而增大). If \(\beta_2 < 0\), then the quadratic has slope that decreases with increasing x. If \(\beta_2 = 0\), then the quadratic(该“二次曲线”) has a constant slope(倾斜直线的外观).
让我们回到之前的学生数据集。我们将使用一个新的变量 \(x^2\) 来拟合一个二次模型:
examassign.fit2 <- lm(Exam ~ Assign + I(Assign^2), data = Stats20x.df)
plot(examassign.fit2, which = 1)
That is looking much better.
plot(Exam ~ Assign, data = Stats20x.df)
x <- 0:20 # Assignment values at which to predict exam mark
## Plot model 1
lines(x, predict(examassign.fit, data.frame(Assign = x)), col = "red")
## Plot model 2
lines(x, predict(examassign.fit2, data.frame(Assign = x)), col = "blue")
lm(formula = Exam ~ Assign + I(Assign^2), data = Stats20x.df)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-32.541 -9.149 1.273 9.087 41.116
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 28.41396 5.99081 4.743 5.05e-06 ***
Assign -0.68172 1.07242 -0.636 0.525999
I(Assign^2) 0.16102 0.04545 3.542 0.000536 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 12.65 on 143 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.5477, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5414
F-statistic: 86.59 on 2 and 143 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Note that the coefficient \(β_2 > 0\) associated with the term \(I(Assign)^2\) indicates an increase that starts slowly and ‘accelerates’(加速) as Assign increases.