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10 Virtual Memory


  • Background

  • Demand Paging

  • Copy-on-Write

  • Page Replacement

  • Allocation of Frames

  • Thrashing

  • Memory-Mapped Files

  • Allocating Kernel Memory

  • Other Considerations

  • Operating-System Examples


  • To describe the benefits of a virtual memory system

  • To explain the concepts of demand paging, page-replacement algorithms, and allocation of page frames

  • To discuss the principle of the working-set model

  • To examine the relationship between shared memory and memory-mapped files

  • To explore how kernel memory is managed


逻辑地址 -(分段)→ 线性地址 -(分页)→ 物理地址


[2020 统考真题]某 32 位系统采用装干二级页表的请求分页存储管理方式,按字节便址, 页目录项和页表项长度均为 4 字节,虚拟地址结构如下所示。

页目录号(10 位)、页号(10 位)、页内偏移量(12 位)

某 C 程序中款组 a[1024][1024]的起始虚权地址为 1080 0000H、数组元素占 4 字节,该程序运行时,其进程的页目录起始物理地址为 0020 1000H,请回答下列问题。

1)数组元素 a[1][2]的虚拟地址是什么?对应的页目录号和页号分別是什么?对应的页目录项的物理地址是什么?若该目源项中存放的页框号为 00301H,则 a[1][2]所在页对应的页表项的物理地址是什么?

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